Saturday 28 March 2020

Wondering How To Grow Your Hair Faster?

If you will check out most ads on the net or TV, you’ll find that they are on hair care and fancy hair products, with gorgeous male and female models flaunting shiny, luscious hair courtesy the peddled product.

The fact

The reality, however, is completely different. The cases of hair fall are on the rise throughout the world. People are bemoaning the loss of hair in almost every country and the search for solutions is on a steep rise. These solutions can be both medical and non-medical in nature.

While most people go the medical route, there are scores that look at natural remedies to fight hair fall issues. One of such methods is oils, especially essential oils.

Many people believe that with essential oils, hair growth is almost a surety. But it depends on which oil suits your scalp the best.

If you have been wondering how to grow your hair faster, you should first research on the benefits of essential oils and try a couple out to see which of them is offering the best results for your hair.

Essential oils for hair growth

Wonders of Oils

Essential oils do lead to hair growth if they suit you. They are extracted from different plants via several methods such as distillation and evaporation. Their aromas are awesome, which makes them very popular for aromatherapy.

These oils are to be mixed with carrier oils if they are to be used on one’s person.

They have robust chemical properties that are very beneficial for one’s health. Their side effects are very few.

The oils that have the best hair care properties are:

Lavender oil, which can speed up hair growth.
Peppermint oil, which can enhance hair growth during the anagen phase.
Rosemary oil, which can thicken the hair shaft.

There are several others, too - information on which can be found at


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